Friday, February 22, 2008

The Thinning Theorum

You are the only limiting factor to your own greatness… whatever your ideology, your background, your beliefs, so long as you believe in your own personal potential and that it comes from no one else but yourself, you can control your own destiny.

Here is how the thinning theorem works: Every American is given a 12 guage with 3 shots. Every American gets to put this piece of equipment on their mantle. Every American gets to have this in their house. Every child in America gets to know that this firearm can kill anything that is put in front of it. Every do-gooder sees this item as a respectable item. Every non-doogooder sees it as a threat to them self.

This doogooder item does nothing. It has no malice, no intent towards anyone. This item knows no color, no creed, it is just a loaded 12 gauge. Everyone that touches it respects it because they know the damage that can be done with it. Everyone that touches it and doesn’t know this damage should have never touched it.

The beauty of this weapon is that it cares for nothing and no one. It is simply a tool of the user’s will.

The user's will is to enforce the natural rights to life, liberty and property and the pursuit of happiness. Any who chose to infringe upon this right, is subject to the will of its wielder.
Let’s imagine a place where everyone knows their place. They know their stuff, their area, their responsibilities. And should they cross those areas, those boundaries, those responsibilities, they are subject to crossing the 12 gauge. Let’s imagine a place without rape, murder, incest. Let’s imagine a place without abused women, mistaken children and pilfered property. Let’s imagine a place where the government, the state, the county have but the right to serve you, not to be served by you. Where the employees of the government, the state, the county are simply employees of the people. This place… this Mecca is not too far from America, what it was, what it could be once again. This place, not 60 years ago, had its 12 guage above the mantle… this place was once Rural America/Dirtage (the new vernacular for rural, as it is so much easier to pronounce)... everything that we have ever stood for, everything that this country has ever been, has been raised from the absolute dirt that we infest.

The dirt that we infest, is not simply a place where we rest on our laurels… the dirt we infest is a place cultivated, shaped and molded by the hands of the working and innovative minds and bodies of our people. It is a tool for the advancement of our great nation. This idea of caring for those who are too weak to care for themselves is a completely socialist, middle-eastern concept. If you want Germany, move there. People, for all of eternity have separated classes… those that do, those that will do, and those who won’t do for themselves… not those who can’t, but those who are given all of the tools to shape and mold the dirt around them, but choose not to.

Those who do are the pillar of this great nation. Those that do are those that are willing to do anything, at any time, to reach the pinnacle of greatness in society… to go down in the history books of doers…Abraham Lincoln, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Andrew Carnegie… those who pushed the envelope of what can be done in a single lifetime, maximizing their potential and thus contributing to History as a whole.

Those that will do: those that will do, will do anything that is necessary to succeed personally, metaphysically and actually. They will scrape and claw... they are the backbone, the small business, the breath of fresh air to this now worthless country. They will one day build mountains for others to climb and provide new potential for others to aspire to. They are the potential in every man that aches to die on a mountain top rather than in a sea of mediocrity. They are the accountable, the no-excuses, no bullshit “take a hit and keep on hitting” sons of bitches that drive us through the lowest points in our history.

Those that never will: they are the leeches of society. They are owed, they are entitled to everything that you’ve ever worked for… ever. Why? Because the deserve it. Because they weren’t given it, they weren’t born into it, they weren’t titled into it, so they are entitled to it, everything that you scraped for to achieve. They view the common man who builds an empire as a cancer on society, one who takes for themselves instead of giving to everyone. They view the acquisition of personal wealth and pride as an affront to their own lack of motivation. They are the parasites that feed on those who dare play for blood. They are the crybaby bitches that didn’t get picked for kickball in first grade… they are the recipients of gratuitous valentines despite the fact that they were unloved. They are the ones who saw adversity and folded instead of rising to the occasion… this is the only thing that separates them from those who will do. Adversity is universal, rising above is extraordinary, and we live in a society that seeks to punish those who rise above… the extraordinary. If you are reading this now, and your blood is boiling, then you are them. You are nothing more than a tick that needs to be removed, a scab to be picked. A blood sucking leech feeding from the blue-blooded, hard pumping heart that is America.

This is why America is America, or was… America WAS the land of opportunity, Americans HAD freedoms. America was the place where your status in life was a reflection on your work ethic. America built the greatest structures, it bridged the widest gaps, it turned dirt into wealth and healed the sick. Now it is a nation that feeds the infestation and propagates its
existence. We are now nothing more than a petri dish for parasites… and because of this, one day there will be no more blood to leech. AKA, EVERYONE ELSE who rides American ingenuity into advancement.

But what happens when America no longer has the will to innovate?

This is where the thinning theorem comes into play. Let us re-visit our good ol’ friend, the 12 guage. The 12 guage is an instrument of personal protection. Protection against the leeches, those who would take from us what we have rightfully earned. So here is how we remove the parasites… we introduce a vaccine. The vaccine of personal accountability.

With our 12 gauge, we now have a means of weeding out the parasites. Those who would take will no longer put their hands in the cookie jars of those who are willing to cut off hands... and those who are willing to risk the business end of our personal defense face it’s wrath.
Put a 12 gauge in the hands of every single occupant of this declining nation… give every citizen the ability to pull the trigger on those who would take rather take than earn... let the weapons of mass destruction be turned against those who would use it unwisely. Watch as our nation once again becomes devoid of those unwilling… let us see the remainder; those who do and those who will do. Those who would use this right to defend what is rightfully earned will never stray upon another’s property. Those who will use this right to defend what is rightfully theirs will use it without prejudice or malice, it will simply ward off the invaders. Those who would take what is not rightfully theirs will meet their destruction from those willing, wielding bodies who know their own rights and are willing to defend them.

This country has become more concerned with popularity… with what Paris Hilton is wearing, with what trailer trash Britney Spears is dating… than with who runs our country. We have turned our electoral process into an international popularity contest. We seek those we can mount as a face to our nation that the entire socialist world can swallow... even if they hide a stained black dress in a White House closet. A world where we shun those who march off to defend our most sacred rights, who would stand for the principles that once defined us.

We once gave a voice to the voiceless, we once defend the defenseless, we once used our strength to lift those who could not lift themselves, and we accomplished this through our solidarity, our unity and belief in the inherent ability of the common man. Now we seek to take away the common man’s strength and place it in the hands of those who would toss it away as though it meant so little and never needed to be thought about again.

We would weaken ourselves to place our once-great nation in a position of pity. We would ask for assistance from those who cannot assist themselves. We have shirked our responsibility in the name of anonymity. We diffuse the responsibility instead of standing up as the defenders of our once sacred beliefs. If you want a renaissance, if you want to return back to the ideals that made this country great, if you want to defend what is important to our way of life, to take what is yours and strengthen the world through your own personal greatness, put the 12 gauge back into the hands of the common man and let him use it to defend that greatness to his last breath.